by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
President Trump told the Daily Mail during an interview that he now declines intelligence briefings by the U.S Intelligence Community. This is the most exceptional news in a long time.
I have researched the Intelligence Community, aka Deep State apparatus for many years. What President Trump outlines in that response is extremely accurate. The evidence for the corrupt and false presentations from the aggregate IC can be found in the example of 51 intel officials saying the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. They did not misspeak, they lied.
Beyond the reasoning expressed by President Trump about “leaks”, the best part of his remarks pertains to his brutally honest acceptance that the Intelligence Community is corrupt overall. Yes, yes, it is. It is refreshing to hear someone say it openly, publicly and with no hesitation about the reality of it.
Imagine a world where the Intelligence Community controls the outcomes of politics. A world where the sitting president of the United States has a national intelligence apparatus giving him advice that his political opponent, and those who support that opponent, should be considered “domestic terrorists.” Then accept that we don’t have to imagine it, because this is the reality of the current situation.
They started out by saying Trump supporters were extremists,…
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