by The Vigilant Fox at The Vigilant Fox Substack
In her never-ending quest to expose Pharma’s crimes against humanity, Dr. Naomi Wolf joined Steve Bannon on the War Room to discuss two new reports up on dailyclout.io.
First, Pfizer’s internal trials used a phone app for self-reporting instead of doing actual clinical science. That’s awfully suspicious. Dr. Naomi Wolf goes into detail.
Continue Reading“And so this is called the TrialMax App that Pfizer used to collect data on their internal trial participants. And the question that the volunteers raised in examining this data in the Pfizer documents is why were so few participants in Pfizer’s COVID-19 stage three trial required to submit daily side effects?, They just skipped over that, and Pfizer only allowed them to report certain side effects that were common! They didn’t let them report the actual side effects. Talk about skewing the scientific result you’re gonna get. If your head falls off, just don’t tell us about it. Also, it’s up to you to report it, but we’re [Pfizer] not requiring that you update us. So this is not science!”