by Micaiah Bilger at LifeNews
Pro-life laws save lives, but a lot of people don’t believe it.
Abortion activists lie and traditional media outlets often parrot their claims without question. They equate abortions with miscarriages. They claim pro-life laws ban ectopic pregnancy care. And they claim pro-lifers don’t care if women die.
But a simple review of the situation in America since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Dobbs v. Jackson last June easily disproves the lies. There has not been a single reported woman’s death due to state pro-life laws – even though more than a dozen have been in effect for about a year, some longer. And the hundreds, perhaps thousands, of women in those states who suffered miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies continued to receive the same medical care that women always have from doctors and nurses.
Meanwhile, new research suggests as many as 25,000 unborn babies have been saved.
And yet the lies persist.
On Tuesday, First Lady Jill Biden met with abortion activists at the White House who claimed their states’ abortion bans put their lives at risk. Biden expressed sympathy for the women, saying, “I know that it isn’t easy to relive what you’ve already gone through, but stories like yours are how we shed light on the cruel and devastating consequences of those bans.”
Vice President Kamala Harris made a similar claim in an interview Tuesday with MSNBC host Joy Reid,…