by Jessica Rose at The Truth Watercooler
I thought people might be interested in some updates on the VAX LOT data in VAERS. I recently received some manufacturing and expiration date data with regards to the three COVID-19 injectable products being pumped into Americans for the past year. I am still waiting for Janet and Rochelle to get back about the VAX_LOT nomenclatures and other data on how many doses comprise each VAX_LOT, etc… (hardy har har), but in the meantime, while I wait for hell to freeze over, this manufacturing and expiration date data can be put to use, thanks to Craig. Also in this meantime, I will explain why the idea that 5% of VAX LOTs are responsible for 100% of deaths is not correct. This does not mean that some VAX LOTs are not responsible for more Severe Adverse Events, it just means that the distribution of the contribution per VAX LOT is not being reported accurately.
The first thing I did when I got this new date data for the VAX LOTs was append the new data onto my existing VAERS data set using VAX LOT as a common variable. What this accomplished, besides combining the data sets, was to majorly clean up the VAX LOT column entries in the VAERS set and seemingly, mostly at the expense of all of the non-sensical and mis-entered VAX LOT data. Excellent! The only pending issue is the as yet unidentified VAX LOTs that got left behind in the appending process: it is possible that those lots are very important. It is even possible that the list of VAX LOTs in the new data set are the ‘active’ LOTs and therefore, the ones that got dropped, may represent the ‘inactive’ ones – aka: Saline. Just an idea. But likely any Saline lots would never end up in VAERS. But it is possible. I have no way to verify if this new VAX LOT list is remotely complete.
The data loss after merging the sets went like this: approximately 49% of the data for Pfizer, 47% for Moderna and 46% for Janssen. That’s brutal but I can live with it considering the absolute counts are so large so start with. With the fresh and clean merged by VAX LOT data set with the new manufacturing and expiration date columns, we can do some calculatin’ and funduggery.
The total numbers of adverse events following the data merge is 155,942, 166,924 and 32,828 for Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen products, respectively.
The total numbers of death adverse event reports following the data merge is 2,975, 2,585 and 556 for Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen products, respectively.
So I would like to address the 5% claim thing using the new clean data set. (I have also addressed this with the original VAERS data set.) If you look for information online relating to the claim that “100% of Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths were caused by just 5% of the batches produced according to official Government data”, you will find it easily. However, this claim is false. Here’s how and why.
The distribution of the percentage of deaths reported to VAERS is relatively uniform among VAX LOTs, irrespective of manufacturer, as can be seen in the pie chart figure below. Pfizer is on the left, Moderna in the center and Janssen on the right. But, this observation could be deceiving our eyes. Notice how many VAX LOTs contribute just a little to the death count? Perhaps there is a very long tail that would result in the above claimed distribution of 5% causing 100% of deaths? Let’s examine more closely…
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