Politico SCOTUS Leak: “This smacks of preemptive strike.”
The Marxist Left is always 2 steps ahead of us. The reason is because they have a sociopathic mindset that they are not ruled or governed by the rule of law.
The illegal leak of the Dobbs decision was a pre-emptive strike by the Marxist Left. They seek to destroy the last enduring institution of our beloved republic. This is the oldest Alinsky tactic on the books: SEIZE THE NARRATIVE. They’ve successfully undermined and neutered all the institutions of this great country: elections, education, military, criminal justice, women’s sports, churches, and the rule of law.
Why wouldn’t they hijack the court with this lawlessness? As if there isn’t enough violence on the streets of our cities!
Make no mistake this is a premeditated assault on this institution to foment violence, to change only one deciding vote, and to further politicize the Courts and upcoming elections.
Classic marxist move to stage a coup of the Supreme Court, by identifying the enemy as the 5 judges in the majority opinion. The purpose of processes and policies are to restore confidence, ensure peace and fairness, and approximate justice.
This thief, this interloper, this arrogant usurper has already lawyered up and the mainstream media will provide the pr coverage and talking points for his illegal acts of obstruction of justice and theft.
They finally found a job for Kamala Harris—she can bang the drum for abortion and Roe v. Wade. It’s not coincidence that she will be speaking at the gala fundraiser of Emily’s List-the big abortion donors.
The Marxists in the Senate are already talking about codifying in law Roe v. Wade and packing the Court.
America is one of 7 countries in the world that permits abortion up to birth.
All fair game, destroy the schools, WOMEN’S SPORTS, the innocence of children, our way of life, the border, the Marxists seek only one goal: the collapse the U.S.
With the Marxists-the Ends justify the means—it’s fine to leak confidential presidential communications, phone calls and the leaker doesn’t get identified, although known. Remember it was John Roberts sitting over the Impeachment proceedings who forbad the naming of the whistleblower leaker, Eric Ciamarella.
Finally, the FBi should not investigate this breach of SCOTUS security and protocol. They blew the Olympic female gymnastic mass molestation case, they failed to investigate the Hunter Biden laptop, they participated in the corrupt hoax in the Whitmer kidnapping case, they failed to implode the phony Russiagate hoax. They’ve lost all credibility. ~FBI SHOULD NOT BE CONDUCTING THIS INVESTIGATION. MARSHALS KNOW ALL THE PLAYERS, KNOW THE INSIDE OF THE SUPREME COURT. The U.S. Marshal’s Service has some of the best polygraphers in law enforcement. They know the Supreme Court, all the staff, operations and procedures. They are uniquely suited to handle this investigation which should be solved quickly.
This scandal is a huge distraction from the implosion of the Biden Administration on the border crisis, on inflation, on the Afghanistan catastrophe, on Ukraine. The Marxist left hopes that they will be able to peel off the Soccer Moms and Mama Bears who have been flooding to the MAGA movement…
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