by Sam Faddis at AND Magazine
If you have been keeping up on the evolution of America’s celebration of commercialism, once known as Christmas, you will know that Santa Claus is no longer a portly, white-bearded guy in a red suit who drives a sleigh. He is now much more likely to be portrayed as a sharp dressed, distinguished, seemingly self-absorbed fellow who looks like he is about to board his private jet and head off to a climate change conference or perhaps a board meeting of Pfizer directors.
It’s kind of sick.
A holiday centered on the idea of giving and the birth of a man Christians regard as their savior has finally settled to the bottom. Stripped of all meaning it is now simply and completely an excuse for unbridled consumer spending and personal gratification.
Très bonne fête de la Saint-Nicolas à tous ! pic.twitter.com/iTEB9tcWha
— Angelo Heilig (@AngeloH_G) December 6, 2022
Maybe that feels right to the smug, clubby creators of Christmas ad campaigns. It doesn’t out in real America where people are struggling to pay heating bills, put food on the table and keep gas in the car. Americans could really use some Christmas spirit right about now.
So, let’s take a few moments to talk about Santa Claus, or…
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