by Darren Beattie at Revolver.news
Back in 2020, the Trump administration linked the COVID virus to a lab leak in Wuhan. Dr. Anthony Fauci was very quick to come out and shoot it down. He adamantly denied the COVID vaccine was “man made,” and reiterated his theory that the virus occurred in nature and then “jumped species.” In reality, Fauci was still touting the silly “bat soup/wet market” theory.
This is an ABC story from May, 2020. The chyron reads: “Top doctor insists the virus started in nature.”
Today, the world knows Fauci’s theory was wrong. Even the US Energy Department finally admitted that a “lab leak” is the most likely source of the outbreak.
Of course, most of us knew this way back when, but the media and Fauci drove the “happened in nature” theory full speed ahead, and straight into the ground.
But that theory nearly went off the rails in 2021, when Buzzfeed released a cache of Fauci emails. There was one email in particular that garnered a lot of attention. It was dated January 31, 2020, and came from a highly respected infectious-disease expert by the name of Kristian Andersen. Mr. Andersen told Fauci that he believed the COVID virus appeared to be “man made.”
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