by Emerald Robinson at Emerald Robinson’s The Right Way
President Trump’s Attorney General Bill Barr has been trying to rehabilitate his tarnished reputation in the last month with regular guest appearances on Fox News as he hawks his new book. The mendacity on display has been breathtaking. Never have so many lies been told on television for the sake of selling a bad memoir by an unreliable narrator. Fox News is happy to encourage Barr’s rewriting of history now because Fox News wants the history to be rewritten: both of them got caught colluding with Democrats to throw the election to Joe Biden in 2020 — and nobody trusts them anymore. It’s a perfect marriage of convenience for these grifters.
The problem with Bill Barr’s version of events regarding the laptop is clear to anyone who owns a calendar. Allow me to summarize it in simple terms. Who was the Attorney General when the FBI obtained Hunter Biden’s laptop in 2019, and thus who allowed the FBI to hide it from the public in order to help Joe Biden before the 2020 election? Bill Barr.
That’s not a question that anyone is going to ask Bill Barr at the lefty outlets where he likes to puff himself these days. Of course, there are plenty of contenders for Bill Barr’s least favorite question. Here’s another one: who was the Attorney General when the FBI fabricated an entire militia group for the Governor Whitmer kidnapping hoax that was used to hurt President Trump before the 2020 election?
You guessed it: Bill Barr.
Barr did a show recently with Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade where he said that the public letter signed by 51 national security officials claiming that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation was itself a kind of election interference. Barr’s displeasure here is the epitome of “a day late and a dollar short.”…
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