by Tom Luongo at Gold Goats and Guns
“The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace.
It failed.”
– Susan Ivanova, Season 3 Opening Sequence, Babylon 5
When the World Economic Forum rolled out their advertising campaign for The Great Reset it was supposed to be the victory lap for Globalism. Coupled with the COVID-19 pandemic, the subsequent global financial crisis unleashed a flood of government funny money that was supposed to buy our way to their perpetual prosperity.
It failed.
Don’t take my word for it. Take the word of one of the chief architects of the Great Reset, Klaus von Commie Schnitzel’s right hand man, Yuval Noah Harari.
Populist leaders are on the rise around the world, attacking the liberal global order. They haven't explained what will replace the order they have destroyed, and the result is the disorder, chaos and violence we are seeing today. pic.twitter.com/THRx2jzaKl
— Yuval Noah Harari (@harari_yuval) January 31, 2024
Spoken like the true authoritarian that he is, Harari can only see violence and chaos. He’s not wrong. The violence and chaos coming, however, have their roots in his attempts (or complicity) in trying to force, through violence, a global order on humanity which humanity doesn’t want.
This push towards violence, however,…
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