by Larry Johnson at A Son of the New American Revolution
Now that the hysteria surrounding the Chinese “Spy” Balloon I am hoping that logic and reason will take over and we will realize that instead of a NORAD failure that jeopardized national security, the wayward balloon was seized as an opportunity by the Biden Administration to display Biden’s prowess as a Commander in Chief on the eve of the State of the Union address. Of course the incompetents that surround the equally feckless Biden turned the incident into a dangerous clown show.
Let us start with NORAD. The Commander of NORAD admitted that he was aware of the balloon as it approached Alaska but judged it “harmless.”
VanHerck said the U.S. did have “domain awareness” of the most recent Chinese balloon as it approached Alaska:
“It was my assessment that this balloon did not present a physical military threat to North America — this is under my NORAD hat. And therefore, I could not take immediate action because it was not demonstrating hostile act or hostile intent,” he said.
Got that? Not hostile. At that point the Biden Administration could have done a couple of things. First, call the Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. State Department and have Secretary of State Blinken demand answers from China about its wayward balloon. Second, Secretary of Defense Austin could have called his counterpart in China and delivered the same message. Had we done this the Chinese would have been on notice that we were not asleep at the switch. But none of that happened.
Somewhere between Alaska and Montana the White House learned…
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