Unbelievable that the AP actually reported this, but they did…
BRADY, Texas, Aug. 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Beginning August, 9, 2021, Texas Right To Know delivered the Omega Brief to open offices of Texas Representatives, Texas Senators, Governor Greg Abbott, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, Speaker Dade Phelan, Department of Public Safety Capitol office, and August 17, overnight delivery to Attorney General Ken Paxton and the State of Department Health and Human Services (DSHS).
Summarized from the July 11, 2021 interview of David Martin, PhD by Reiner Fuellmich, the Omega Brief suggests that the current pandemic is a criminal conspiracy and racketeering enterprise beginning in 1999. The brief includes Dr. Martin’s Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier that outlines eight federal criminal charges from evidence contained in patent records. “The Omega Brief is a consolidation of evidence of criminal activity provided by national and international expert witnesses revealing individuals who are responsible for the coronavirus pandemic. There is reasonable evidence that federal agencies under the direction of Anthony Fauci, established treatment guidelines mandating a chosen narrative to direct the actions of state medical boards, physicians, hospital and health provider administrators, and state and local DSHS, with premeditated intent to prevent early treatment to escalate fear and death totals,” said Sheila Hemphill, CEO and author.
The following quotes are referenced by paragraph number (PN) of interview, “In 1999, Anthony Fauci funded research at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill … Where the NIAID built, “an infectious replication defective coronavirus” that was specifically targeted for human lung epithelium. In other words, we made SARS and we patented it on April 19, 2002.” (PN 12)
Per the statement made by Peter Daszak, Head of EcoHealth Alliance reported in the National Academies of Press publication on February 12, 2016, “We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics will follow the hype… We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.” (PN 48)
Evidence establishes, that in-order to achieve world distribution of an annual or bi-annual, mandatory influenza and/or coronavirus vaccine, the following possible goals would be necessary.
GOAL #1: Create “The New Normal campaign” for the purpose of “getting people to accept universal pan influenza, pan coronavirus vaccine” as scripted by MERCK in 2004 and adopted by the World Health Organization in 2020. To achieve this goal, the following steps would be necessary: 1. Create simulations and exercises of a pandemic, 2. Create a “new” virus, “though it’s really not new”, 3. Leak the virus, “there wasn’t a lab leak this was an intentional bioweaponization”, 4. Declare national / state / county emergencies, 5. Create media fear and hysteria.
GOAL #2: “Warp Speed” Vaccine Development.
It was necessary for the CDC, which directs state medical boards and state departments of health services, and the National Institute of Health, which directs physicians and hospital policies, to develop guidelines that would effectively insure there would be no “adequate, approved, or alternative treatment” available in order to meet Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) criteria for COVID-19 vaccine development. These guidelines intentionally prohibited early, effective treatments that would have saved lives to protect COVID-19 vaccine development.
GOAL #3: COVID-19 vaccines manufacturers to conduct trials on children with intent to receive full FDA approval in order for the COVID-19 vaccines to be added the childhood vaccine schedule, so that all “covered persons” are shielded from liability with the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. With full FDA approval, vaccine manufacturers lose their liability immunity from the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act.
GOAL #4: Implement world–wide mandates for vaccine compliance with bio-evidenced, identification mark and force vaccine compliance through bio-trackable “passports” to buy, sell, or travel.
“On behalf of Texans and humanity, we plead for Governor Greg Abbott and General Ken Paxton to defend us and enforce SCR 12 to immediately halt state agency and businesses adherence to CDC and NIH guidelines and command actions necessary to prosecute all perpetrators for racketeering and for ‘Terror to Intimidate or Coerce a Civilian Population’,” urged Sheila Hemphill.
SCR 12 was signed by Governor Abbott on June 16, 2021 – “Claiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to halt and reverse certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed.”
Visit www.theomegabrief.com for information, text updates, and action alerts,
Text “DEFEND” to 855-822-1010.
Media Contact: Sheila Hemphill, CEO Texas Right To Know | info@theomegabrief.com
View original content: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/texas-state-elected-officials-received-notice-of-pandemic-criminal-conspiracy-and-racketeering-301359113.html
SOURCE Texas Right to Know…