by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
For his weekly monologue, Neil Oliver outlines the insufferable fools that are constructing the path to Agenda 2030 and the World Economic Forum dictates that form the baseline to “save the planet” from climate change.
As you listen or read the word picture that Oliver paints, you might remember the CTH article from over a decade ago about what the “fundamental change” Barack Obama was outlining, really meant. Well, here we are, a decade closer to the utopian goal – and the picture is now close enough for all to see.
Continue Reading[Transcript] – Nothing less than our way of life is under threat now. A population distracted by propaganda about one existential threat after another – pandemics, nuclear war, climate crisis – is being herded into an unrecognizable future.
What was done in the name of Covid was grotesque – a violation of the rights of billions of people. Having seen what they can get away with, our so-called leaders have moved on, broadening their scope, as greedy for more as kids left unsupervised in a sweetie shop.
What is happening now, all around us, is the relentless erosion not just of our rights and liberties, but of our lives. It is so blatant – what’s happening – it’s hard to see it for what it is, which is bare-faced daylight robbery.
After Covid, the C-word that’s supposed to be on everyone’s lips … drummed into us night and day by the same complicit media that drives everything else … is climate – Climate crisis, in fact. Two c-words for the price of one.
From all sides, we are bombarded with predictions of the end of the world. Predictions, remember? Computer modelling … the crystal-ball-gazing of the scientific world…
If you believe the predictions and “the science” … by which I mean the pronouncements of scientists and global corporations … the same corporations champing at the bit for all the government grants and contracts to get all tooled up for making expensive wind turbines, solar panels, liquid hydrogen processing plants … and all those batteries … gazillions of batteries filled with the Earth’s rarest metals and minerals.
The important word to notice there is rare,…