by Just Human at Just Human
On October 11th, 2022 in the Eastern District of Virginia, the trial of Igor Yurievich Danchenko will begin. Danchenko is the third individual whom Special Counsel John H. Durham has indicted as part of his investigations into the origins of Crossfire Hurricane, the Mueller Special Counsel, and whether any individual, government official or not, engaged in any wrongdoing as relates to the 2016 Presidential Campaigns and the President Trump Administration.
Igor Danchenko is a Ukrainian born Russian citizen and resident of the United States who studied law in Russia at Perm State University, Political Science at the University of Louisville in Kentucky, and wound up working at the Brookings Institution in 2005. There he would work for Fiona Hill who had this to say about him:
“Igor is a highly accomplished analyst and researcher,” Hill noted on his LinkedIn page in 2011. “He is very creative in pursuing the most relevant of information and detail to support his research.”
Danchenko would come under investigation by the FBI in May of 2009 after receiving information that a “research fellow for an influential foreign policy advisor for the Obama administration” was approached by the individual, later identified as the dossier sub-source, who allegedly inquired about their future “access to classified information” and if they “wanted to make a little extra money.”
This investigation was seemingly never completed, but “not for lack of evidence,” according to Durham. Rather, it seems that Danchenko leaving the United States in 2011 resulted in the investigation going cold. Or, perhaps there is more to it than that. As it turns out Danchenko had not actually left the United States…
Beginning in March 2016,…
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