BREAKING: @PatrickByrne, former CEO of Overstock.com, claims that he was complicit in facilitating a bribe for Hillary Clinton in the amount of $18M [on behalf of the FBI] in January, 2016. The bribe, which she accepted, was then going to be used by members of the Obama
2/ administration against Hillary after she was elected. As it was later explained to him, “President Obama has his people across the federal bureaucracy at this point, but especially at the Department of Justice. Hillary Clinton is going to be President for 8 years and nothing
3/ is going to change that, but think of there being a Bunsen burner within the DOJ. That evidence about the [2] bribes you were a part of gathering is going to be sitting on the Bunsen burner. The hand sitting on the burner is going to be one of Barack Obama’s people.
4/ If Hillary is a “good girl” and defends Obamacare, that flame stays low. If she’s a “bad girl” and thinks for herself, that flame is going to get turned up high. That way Barack Obama is going to manage Hillary Clinton for the 8 years she’s President, and then
5/ when she steps down, Michelle is going to run.” Claims it was called “Operation Snowglobe” [dubbed by Obama + Brennan] so that once Hillary stepped into it, they would be able to “shake her up” at any time during her Presidency, if needed. Says that Durham and Barr were aware
6/ of it.
Byrne stated there was an additional Hillary bribe prior to the one listed above, which was in the amount of $20M [involving the country of Turkey] and occurred in the fall, 2015.
This shocking claim was made in an interview with @annvandersteel. 💥
7/ Part 1 of the Patrick Byrne interview…
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