by Christopher Bedford at The Federalist
D.C. Health is given out “Home COVID-19 Testing Kits” at libraries across the capital city.
At the majority of these sites, you’ll be handed two plastic, red, white and blue envelopes per person. “Muriel Bowser, Mayor,” they read at the bottom. “Testyourselfdc.com.”
“Isn’t that wonderful!” you might be thinking, as you tear open the seal. “I want to be sure these winter sniffles aren’t COVID before I see my mother, or visit grandpa, or go away with some friends.”
Inside the envelopes, you’ll find a one-ended Q-tip (a “Nasal Self Swab”), wrapped in plastic; an official-looking LabCorp test tube, wrapped in plastic; and instructions to report your name, race, age and sex to the city government, stick the Q-tip up your nose, deposit it in the test tube, put the “specimen bag” in the return envelope and drop it off at “one of the District’s specimen collection boxes by 8pm the same day.”
Staring at this kit Wednesday morning, sniffling, I thought, “Why would I do that?”
Seriously, why the hell would I do that? Do I live in Florida, where if seriously ill, I’ll be given access to monoclonal antibody treatments while family, friends and neighbors go about their lives? Do I live in Georgia or Texas? Tennessee or Alabama? Mississippi or Louisiana?
Or do I live in a city where the numbers will be rushed to the press, schools will be shuttered, mask mandates will be extended, new restrictions on the eternally wicked “unvaccinated” will be rolled out, and if I have a bad case I’ll have to drive hours to find a pharmacy willing to fill a doctor’s prescription?
Have local health care “experts” done anything to gain my trust? Or have they done everything they possibly can to betray it?
The COVID Construct…
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