by New York Post Editorial Board
Most of the media continue to ignore Hunter Biden like toddlers with their fingers in their ears. His laptop is “unconfirmed.” “Unsubstantiated.” “It doesn’t matter.”
The first two are obviously false, a weak excuse to cover things up for the administration. From the beginning, the laptop was substantiated: Hunter’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski confirmed his correspondence was real. Hunter Biden never denied they were his files; in fact, his memoir confirms the pictures of the drug use, prostitutes and financial documents from the laptop.
Post columnist Miranda Devine’s new book, “Laptop from Hell,” details how the Chinese gave Hunter a 3-carat diamond and includes pictures from the computer of the diamond as well as a Hunter selfie showing his back tattoo of the Finger Lakes. Were these all doctored? Hunter himself confirmed in an interview with The New Yorker that he received the diamond but just waved it off as a nice gesture.
The Biden files have been confirmed and substantiated eight ways to Sunday. Reporters just don’t want to hear it.

So that leaves “It doesn’t matter.” Liberal media outlets are uniquely incurious about Hunter selling the influence of his father. In the case of the Chinese deal, outlined by Devine, they say there’s “no indication” that Joe Biden ever received the “10 percent for the big guy” promised in one email.
But consider these questions:…
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