by Robert W Malone MD, MS
Per Wikipedia- Rochelle Paula Walensky (née Bersoff; born April 5, 1969) is an American physician-scientist who is the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the administrator of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Prior to her appointment at the CDC, she was the Chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital and a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. Walensky is an expert on HIV/AIDS.
<actually, she is not really a scientist. She is an MD with a masters degree in public health or MPH. Not trained as a scientist, in case you were wondering>
First a reality check. Has CDC done a good job in messaging regarding public health? Here is an article from Business Insider (an amazing misnomer) published three days ago, which corporate press outlet is generally an unfailing supporter of the current executive branch administration.
“42% of Americans think monkeypox is at least as large a public health threat as COVID-19 now: poll” (!!!)
- New polling from YouGov shows that only 1 in 3 Americans consider COVID-19 a bigger threat than monkeypox.
- Most Americans believe COVID-19 and monkeypox are now equal threats. COVID continues to kill hundreds daily.
- A minority of respondents said the country is “very prepared” or “somewhat prepared” for another pandemic.
Only 1 in 3 Americans consider COVID-19 — a disease that continues to kill hundreds of people each day in the United States — a bigger threat than monkeypox, which has so far infected relatively few and killed none, according to a new YouGov poll.
The rest of Americans consider the two diseases to be equal threats (33%), no threat at all (18%), or aren’t sure (10%), while 9% of respondents consider monkeypox a greater threat than COVID-19.
The poll, which was conducted over the internet between August 4 and 7, revealed that Black respondents were much more likely to view the two viruses as equal threats — 55% did — while 25% of white respondents believed them to be equal threats.
I suggest that the answer to the hypothetical question of whether CDC is doing a good job communicating issues relating to public health with the American public is self evident.
Real Clear Politics from two days ago:…
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