by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World at 2nd Smartest Guy in the World Substack
In Pfizer’s data one of the listed DEATHVAX™ side effects was suicide. During the first year of the “pandemic,” The Center for Disease Crimes (CDC) claimed that suicides decreased:

According to an article by AP, around 49,500 people committed suicide last year in the U.S. That is the highest number ever, according to the latest government data.
The theory as to why there was a drop in suicides in 2020 was presented by the AP in their 2021 article, US suicides dropped last year, defying pandemic expectations:”
It is hard to say exactly why suicide deaths dropped so much, but one factor may be a phenomenon seen in the early stages of wars and national disasters, some experts suggested.
“There’s a heroism phase in every disaster period, where we’re banding together and expressing lots of messages of support that we’re in this together,” said Dr. Christine Moutier, chief medical officer of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. “You saw that, at least in the early months of the pandemic.”
The other component of said “heroism” was that it was far easier to generate fraudulent datasets by officials that were classifying all mortalities, not limited to suicide, as COVID-19 deaths so long as their fraudulent PCR tests (set at greater than 35 cycles) were “detecting” viral presence.
And now, just like all cause mortality post the slow kill bioweapon rollout has exploded, so too have suicides:…
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