by Karlstack at Karlstack
ollowing my two articles last week EXCLUSIVE: Leaked Report Shows Harvard Professor Fabricated Data & Why Is Jesse Singal Whitewashing Harvard’s Corruption? a new prediction market has been created where you can gamble on the question “Will Ryan Enos have a Paper Retracted in 2022?”
Here is a link to the market. It is nice to see $1,058 of volume being traded on the first day; so far, the crowd is pricing a 40% chance that Enos will have a paper retracted in 2022. I am optimistic that the widespread adoption of such replication markets can encourage the replication of scientific research, and serve as a desperately needed check on the deeply corrupt/captured world of academic publishing.
This replication market is not just dunking for the sake of dunking. This is very serious stuff. The costs associated with irreproducible preclinical research alone have recently been estimated at US$28 billion a year in the United States. The more transparency — the better.

Christopher Brunet @realChrisBrunet
EXCLUSIVE: Leaked Report Shows Harvard Professor Fabricated Data https://t.co/sroxysSKTI
While some might say Ryan Enos’ research doesn’t matter (I have some sympathy for the “What’s the big deal? It’s just polisci! Who cares!” argument) it is important to debunk nonetheless because he attempts to paint white people as inherently racist, to indoctrinate the young generation and breed Democratic voters, and to justify anti-white discriminatory policies (e.g. affirmative action).
Ryan Enos is the Jussie Smullet of academia.
His pseudoscientific research is sponsored by taxpayer money and tuition fees, and Harvard has kept funding it for 4 years and counting with full knowledge of the research misconduct.
This seems like something Fox News might care about, right? So, a producer for Tucker Carlson asked Enos a simple question:…
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