by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
This should not come as a surprise to anyone who has paid close attention. In this segment of an NBC Meet the Press interview that took place on Friday and broadcast today, President Donald Trump outlines his intent for a larger message of “unity” to unite our country.
President Trump notes a successful and robust American economy brings the essential optimism that belies antagonism and argument. The leader of any large organization knows exactly what President Trump is referencing. When you are busy, there’s less time for division; so too does the same apply to our nation. With economic success for everyone, there’s less fuel for opposition.
President Trump is focused on delivering positive policy outcomes for the American people, an era of abundance. The legacy of President Trump in the mind and life of Generation-Z, will be similar to the legacy of Ronald Reagan in the mind and life of Generation-X.
Two other articles you may be interested in reading by Sundance provides background on key parts of this interview: