by Helen Tansey at T-Room.us
Well knock me over with a feather. Before knowing who the woman was standing close to President Trump throughout the videos posted below, I kept asking myself if she was Melania. Why? Because she was sporting black pants, black boots, an army green parka and a dark beanie to keep her head warm. I was like “is that Melania?” and sure enough it was.
Our First Lady could wear a paper bag and make it look great! Seriously. Pure class.
But I digress.
Today both President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump took to the air on their first trip outside of DC and headed to the devastated North Carolina mountains.
Below are two videos that include a press conference where Trump expressed his dismay about the abandonment of the Biden administration’s abandonment of the region, and what his administration is going to do to help them to continue to re-build and a short vid where he and others took questions.
WATCH President Trump’s press conference –
WATCH the President and North Carolina citizens taking questions –