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by Jordan Schachtel at The Dossier
Anthony Fauci’s new book has granted the public more detail concerining the truly impeccable timing of Pfizer’s mRNA Covid-19 vaccine trial data rollout.
We already know that Pfizer decided to inexplicably delay publishing the results of their mRNA trial from October 2020 to right after the election, following public and private efforts to prevent President Trump from being granted an “October surprise” that would’ve been helpful to his campaign.
In retrospect, the shots were nothing more than junk genetic material. No lives were lost in delaying the distribution of these failed science experiment mRNA injections. Nonetheless, the operation succeeded in taking away a political victory for Trump and delivering it to Biden. At the time, the majority of the public was truly terrified of the Wuhan sniffles, with many voters tethering their vote to the candidate who they believed could best defeat a virus.
In his new book, “On Call,” Fauci reveals that Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, called him the night after Biden was declared the winner of the election, to inform him of Pfizer’s “game-changing results” from the (surely rigged) mRNA trial.
Fauci writes:…
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