by Julian Conradson at The Gateway Pundit
In September 2021, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was caught stealthily changing the definition of the word “vaccine,” as well as what it means to be “fully vaccinated,” because the experimental mRNA jab was not meeting the well-established criteria under the old definition – and people were taking notice.
Unfortunately for the so-called ‘experts,’ independent journalist Alex Berenson ensured the change did not fly under the radar, as reported by TGP’s Larry Johnson. For sounding the alarm on the CDC’s change, Berenson was suspended permanently from Twitter – but, following a court settlement earlier this month, his account was reinstated.
Before the change, the CDC website defined vaccine as:
- Vaccine – “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.”
But gone are the days of vaccines producing so-called “immunity.” Now, the official CDC definition moves the goal posts and states that the experimental mRNA jab, and vaccines in general, simply “STIMULATE THE BODY’S IMMUNE RESPONSE.”
And that’s how you end up with Covid-1984.
After the change, via CDC:…
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