by Kyle Becker at Becker News
New scientific research shows that the vaccinated are more than twice as likely to be infected with Covid-19 than those who had a prior infection.
This research shows that Covid-19 vaccines are associated with more spread of the virus reveals that the Big Lie that vaccines “stop the spread” was even worse than at first glance. Public health officials’ arguments that “vaccine passports” would help protect communities from the spread of the virus turns out to be entirely fraudulent. The emotional appeal that Covid vaccines somehow protect your family members is now shown to be entirely without merit. The brazen claim that Covid-19 was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” turns out to be completely bogus.
Vaccination is a personal health decision. It should be left up to a patient and a doctor. That is the end of the discussion.
The American Public Health Association article revealed the false claim that mRNA shots would stop the spread of Covid-19 was even worse than misleading — it was the exact opposite.
“Six months after the index date, the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection was significantly higher in vaccine recipients (6.7%) than the previously infected (2.9%),” the researchers found…
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