by The Vigilant Fox at 2nd Smartest Guy in the World Substack
The “Biden” administration is nothing more than a continuation of past illegitimate administrations that were all controlled by the Intelligence Industrial Complex, or the 4th and most powerful branch of government.
The below bombshell emails do not include the other adverse events like turbo cancers that the globalist bioterrorists always knew would occur from their DEATHVAX™ exposure as per the ferret, mice, and rat studies that were so grim that they could never get their Modified mRNA technology to human trials…until the wholly captured FDA pushed through their “pandemic” EUA; in other words, through various tabletop exercises and simulations like Event 201 they finally pulled the trigger and created the optics to allow for their slow kill bioweapon democide.
As this Substack has previously pointed out, the below email releases and other glacial rollouts of the Truth were always part of their plan. Now that significantly large swaths of the population have been genetically modified and poisoned, the Truth will foster anger, despondency, and, potentially, societal violence. All by design.
The question of our time is, how could this happen? How could these catastrophic crimes against humanity perpetrated by these injections be allowed to occur? “It can’t happen unless the boss says it has to or that it can,” declared Dr. Naomi Wolf on Steve Bannon’s War Room.

As a former political advisor, Dr. Wolf said, from experience working around a White House, “You can’t kill Americans … knowingly without the okay of the President because you’re literally burning up too much political capital. No one wants to be on the receiving end of having killed Americans when that crime comes to light without the imprimatur (approval) of the President.”
“If someone is found to have killed Americans, inadvertently, they get fired and shamed publicly. And it’s all put on them. And that’s the end of them. And that’s not what we were seeing. So I knew that up the chain of command, the White House had to be involved in these decisions, but we just didn’t have the smoking gun.”