by Helen Tansey at The T-Room.us
The T-Room will be shutting down for the holidays as has become a tradition.
This year however, we will be spending time on an intense research project that will result in a lot of writing from us in the New Year. We will be taking advantage of our time off by visiting several research depositories aka libraries we hope will provide much needed context for our subject matter. So, stay tuned.
In the meantime, read Richard the Saint’s substack that is headlining our site titled ‘lowly eternal.’ Richard, as only Richard does, takes on a rather large yet intimate current subject and makes the reader say ‘Wow, I never thought of him that way.’ Quite remarkable, honestly. Be sure to click on the link at the bottom of his post and subscribe. He’s a real gem. One that makes you think, which in our world is an awesome thing to do and we encourage strongly.
With that said, we’re signing off until January 2nd or a wee bit thereafter. We’re placing our research/writing project as a top priority in the New Year, because it will help you, our dear readers, begin to make sense of all of the crazy we are witnessing day-after-day-after-day, which in turn we will be asking you to help inform your friends and family and so on.
Know what we have been saying privately to our friends and family as they are jolted in this massive tug-of-war taking place between MAGA – President Donald Trump and the face of the commie cabal, Barack Obama, is this – do not allow fear into your thoughts and most especially during your holidays whether you are a Christian, a Jew or a Muslim or a Hindu or ???
Trust…Trust…Trust is our message to you! We’ve been super busy behind the scenes digging, reading and watching for months and months now because nothing was making sense or should we say nothing was connecting with other dots. Trust there is absolutely, unequivocally a lot in play, politically, that was tended to or has already been resolved and is just now reaching us via alt news. Do not buy into the fear being sold all over the media landscape from the mouthpieces who represent themselves as the Left. Don’t give that fear any room in your world.
Trust in your future, our future, America’s future and embrace every second you spend over your holiday with your family and friends.
Wishing you a fantastic, splendid, fabulous, healthy and safe holiday,
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