by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
Martin County Sheriff William Snyder gave a press briefing earlier today and at a certain point was asked some specifics about the attempted shooter/assassin Ryan Routh and his connection to the area.
At 11:25 of the video below, Sheriff Snyder instinctively has two general baseline questions: (1) How did the assassin, from outside the area, know exactly where to be in order to have the opportunity to shoot President Trump; and (2) Did Ryan Rough act alone, or was he part of a supportive conspiracy to assassinate President Trump.
I think it is fair to say that we all view the use of the FBI in this investigation with great trepidation.
Given the long and extensive history of the modern, highly, intensely political, FBI as a weaponized agency of the federal government, there is zero faith or trust in their institutional ability to conduct a genuine investigation. This is not a comfortable thing to accept or admit, but unfortunately there is no other intellectually honest reference point from which to generate optimism.
Sheriff Snyder repeatedly defers all elements of the ongoing investigation to the FBI. However, on the positive side all of the information that is inside the control of the local law enforcement is being shared with the public; it’s the feds that are the problem.
CTH has sources within the system on a local and state level. Prayers for President Trump, the entire Trump family and organization, along with our entire nation, continue…
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