by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
Given the fulsome context of the latest ideological alignment coming from the North American Summit, I am entirely certain the ordinary people in the U.S. and Canada do not have any idea just how badly things are likely to deteriorate in the near future. However, for the ordinary people of Mexico, already living in a situation of day-to-day survival, they will not likely note any difference.
White House occupant Joe Biden, Mexican President Lopez-Obrador and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivered remarks yesterday at the conclusion of their trilateral discussions. You can watch the entire speech set HERE with the full transcript below. What follows is a painful, albeit brutally honest, assessment of the remarks and the predictable future they contain.
AMLO is a soft socialist but has previously indicated his tendency toward economic nationalism. Trudeau is a modern leftist and a true globalist at heart. Biden is a puppet for the modern American political left and economically concerned only for his personal crime syndicate financial situation. Behind Biden’s politics is a blend of Obama domestic ideology and a willingness to align with interventionist foreign policy that benefits his personal financial interests.
♦ IMMIGRATION – On the issue of mass illegal immigration, Trudeau can wax philosophically about the virtues of multiculturalism and diversity because the United States provides a 2,500-mile migration filtration and border protection zone. For the United States, Joe Biden speaks about the endless ability of America to absorb millions of migrants in the sake of humanity. Biden’s position has little to do with the economic damage created by mass migration because he and his leftist allies are disconnected from the chaos, protected by walls and personal security.
On the issue of illegal migration,…
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