by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
Lee Smith makes an important point in this brief podcast excerpt. {Direct Rumble Link Here} We have outlined his point on these pages for several years.
Essentially, the point Lee Smith drives home is how the U.S. Corporate Media, and the Big Tech monopolies, are the front force of the new national security and intelligence state. It is a relationship that extends far beyond the customary leanings of media, and now covers a full synergistic relationship. WATCH:
“We’re all familiar with the fact that the press has historically leaned to the left. That’s not what we’re looking at now. We’re looking at something very, very different. We’re looking at the press as being a part of the intelligence community. They are the ones who is putting these operations out there.”
The New York Times and Politico are the public relations firms for Main Justice, the DOJ and FBI. The Washington Post handles the needs of the Intelligence Community (IC) and the Central Intelligence Agency. Meanwhile CNN is managed by the needs of the U.S. State Dept. These direct relationships have been discussed here for several years…
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