by Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic – @COVIDSelect at Threadreader
@COVIDSelect has completed a two-day, 14-hour transcribed interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Here are the most important highlights from DAY 2 of his testimony
✔️Dr. Fauci claimed that the “6 feet apart” social distancing recommendation promoted by federal health officials was likely not based on any data.
“It just sort of appeared.”
✔️Dr. Fauci acknowledged that the lab-leak hypothesis is not a conspiracy theory.
This comes nearly four years after prompting the publication of the now infamous “Proximal Origin” paper that attempted to vilify and disprove the lab-leak hypothesis.
✔️Dr. Fauci played semantics with the definition of a “lab-leak” in an attempt to cover-up the inaccurate conclusions of “Proximal Origin.”
It is impossible for him to defend “Proximal Origin” as definitive while simultaneously acknowledging that a lab-leak is possible.
Dr. Fauci’s transcribed interview revealed systemic failures in our public health system and light on serious procedural concerns with our public health authority.
@COVIDSelect looks forward to speaking with Dr. Fauci further during a public hearing this year.
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Today, @COVIDSelect questioned Dr. Anthony Fauci for seven hours about his role during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr. Fauci’s testimony uncovered drastic and systemic failures in America’s public health systems.
Key highlights
✔️Dr. Fauci profusely defended his previous testimony where he stated @NIH does not fund gain-of-function research in Wuhan.
Today, he repeatedly played semantics with the definition of gain-of-function in an attempt to avoid conceding that NIH funded this dangerous research.
✔️A 2020 email, previously released by the Select Subcommittee, proved Dr. Fauci was aware of dangerous gain-of-function research occurring in Wuhan, China.
Today, he backtracked by arguing he should not have stated that as “fact.”
Clearly, the American people and the United States government are operating with completely different expectations about the responsibilities of our public health leaders and the accountability of our public health agencies.
More accountability coming soon!
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