by Dr Robert Malone and Peter Navarro at The Washington Times
In this declaration of independence from a “Forced Universal Vaccination Policy,” we hold these truths to be evident:
SARS-CoV-2 appears to be a bioweapon genetically engineered at the Wuhan Institute of Virology using gain-of-function technologies transferred to China by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health bureaucracy and funded in part by both NIH and the threat mitigation branch of the Department of Defense’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency.
China’s virus has killed millions, undermined the economies of China’s rivals and destabilized Western-style democracies through panicky authoritarian measures such as vaccine passports, economic lockdowns and mask/vaccination mandates.
No vaccine exists capable of eradicating the virus comparable to vaccines for diseases like polio and smallpox, and COVID-19 has entered a variety of animal reservoirs. At this point, it cannot be eradicated by any human vaccine.
Furthermore, the public health threat of the omicron variant is minuscule while our national medicine cabinet contains only a very mixed bag of highly leaky and nondurable quasi-vaccines. For example, the Pfizer and Moderna jabs are based on an experimental mRNA technology originally developed by one of this piece’s authors (Malone), are of primitive construction and are associated with the development of vaccine and monoclonal antibody-resistant viral mutations.
With leakiness, vaccinated individuals are becoming infected at increasing rates. With nondurability, the Pied Pipers of forced vaccinations are demanding ever more “booster” jabs.
America’s quasi-vaccines are significantly riskier than public health officials have disclosed. They can trigger serious cardiac and thrombotic conditions, menstrual cycle disruptions, Bell’s palsy, Guillain-Barre syndrome and anaphylaxis. Male children appear particularly prone to myocarditis, while, post-vaccination, individuals may have suppressed immunities that make them vulnerable to other diseases.
Government officials like Dr. Fauci and Big Pharma executives like Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla and Scott Gottlieb have fed us a steady diet of “noble lie” assurances to encourage universal vaccination. This propaganda has been disseminated by outlets such as CNN and MSNBC and reinforced by systematic Big Tech censors like Facebook and Google determined to hide reality from the public — even as drug company lawyers work to avoid data disclosure that would inform us otherwise.
The virus is now so thoroughly embedded in global populations that, like the common cold and flu, it will be with us for the foreseeable future. It is long past time to substitute Dr. Fauci’s increasingly frantic “vaccine” as a silver bullet fantasy for this reality: The genetic vaccines and overall Fauci/Biden policies have utterly failed to meet their public health objectives — even as life insurance executives such as OneAmerica CEO J. Scott Davison are on fire concerning the overall high mortality rates they are observing in their data.
Alternatively, we must pragmatically build “herd immunity” against the virus, and the quickest and safest way to do this is to reserve vaccination for the most vulnerable (who are already highly vaccinated) while flooding our communities with cheap, safe and efficacious therapeutics freely prescribed in early treatment by personal physicians.
In this fundamentally conservative strategy…
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