by Sam Faddis at AND Magazine
We already knew that Joe Biden and his mandarins had an affinity for the Mexican drug cartels. The administration has stood by and watched while those ultra-violent criminal organizations have pumped America full of fentanyl, which kills over 100,000 Americans a year. They have also openly facilitated the movement of illegals into this country. That enterprise now earns the cartels more each year than drug smuggling.
We have now discovered that Joe and his like-minded cronies in Democratic cities are responsible for the cartels’ new cash cow – the organized, industrial-scale looting of American stores.

If you listen to the news media that functions as the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party you will “know” that the epidemic of shoplifting across America is the result of economic inequity and systemic racism. In short, as usual, you will know nothing. These people are not stealing to feed families or survive another day. This is not as one commentator said, “reparations”. They are looting as part of a massive criminal enterprise under the control of the Mexican drug cartels.
“Defund the police”, means in essence, make the drug lords in Mexico even richer and more powerful.
“Cartels are involved in every level of retail crime, from in-store theft and listing items in online marketplaces to shipping stolen merchandise worldwide and using U.S. financial institutions to hold their profits.”