by Joseph Simonson and Andrew Kerr at The Washington Free Beacon

Justice Department prosecutors are reportedly investigating the younger Biden for several potential offenses related to his Oct. 12, 2018, gun purchase, including whether he lied on a federal firearms application when asked, “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?”
A Washington Free Beacon review of emails, photographs, and text messages from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop reveals a series of chaotic days that led up to his trip to the gun store and provides further evidence that Hunter Biden was an active drug user at the time of his gun purchase.
Photos published by the New York Post show Hunter Biden asleep with a crack pipe in his mouth on Oct. 8. A few days after he purchased the gun, on Oct. 19, Hallie Biden texted him a photo of crack cocaine paraphernalia forgotten on a table in an unknown location.
In the early morning of Wednesday,…