by Sam Schaffer at The Virginia Gazette
Gov. Glenn Youngkin welcomed representatives from 37 states to Colonial Williamsburg on Monday for the opening of a conference that aims to foster planning for the 250th anniversary of American independence in 2026.
The three-day A Common Cause to All conference, hosted by the Virginia American Revolution 250 Commission and The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, is bringing leaders and planners from across the country to discuss what the anniversary means for the nation and how to celebrate it.
“Virginia’s history is America’s history,” Youngkin said to a room of around 450 people gathered at the Williamsburg Lodge for the conference’s opening dinner. “I am truly overwhelmed,” he said in regard to those who came out to make planning efforts to celebrate the nation.
The governor made a point to acknowledge the contributions of non-Virginians to the nation’s founding before expressing that he’s a proud Virginian and welcoming the crowd “to this great commonwealth.”
Youngkin highlighted Virginia’s contributions to history and emphasized the importance of the American Revolution. Youngkin said the country was founded on the idea that people have inalienable rights — life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness — that are not granted by a king or dictator.
A Common Cause to All is in its second year,…
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