by The Post Millennial News Staff at The Post Millennial
The Weaponization of Government Committee has discovered that the FBI sent undercover agents into Catholic churches to investigate those parishes for domestic extremism.
“Based on the limited information produced by the FBI to the Committee,” Jim Jordan writes in a letter to FBI director Christopher Wray, “we now know that the FBI relied on at least one undercover agent to produce its analysis and that the FBI proposed that its agents engage in outreach to Catholic parishes to develop sources among the clergy and church leadership to inform on Americans practicing their faith.”
Jordan notes that this “shocking information” and that it “reinforces” the need for the FBI to respond to the committee’s subpoenas and requests for information. He brings up the leaked bulletin from an FBI field office in Richmond earlier this year which identified Catholics who attend Latin Mass as potential domestic extremists.
The FBI later withdrew that bulletin, which was based on far-leftist sources and definitions, but it appears that the FBI’s targeting of Catholics was not limited to one field office bulletin.
The letter cites a document provided to the committee,…
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