by KanekoatheGreat at Twitter
Former IDF Medical Officer and Director of Primary Care at Meuhedet, Israel’s third-largest HMO, serving one million clients nationwide, calls for the immediate halt of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines:
“Reports are accumulating on pathological findings after corona vaccines… Devastating inflammation has been found in the large and small blood vessels in the heart, brain, health, and other organs, where the spike protein from the vaccine is found. The link to vaccination is a proven fact.
We were assured that the mRNA disappeared from the injection site a few hours later, but it remained for 60 days in organs far from the injection site… Europe is now reporting an increase in mortality in countries with high vaccination rates of tens of percent.
Sudden deaths must be investigated in connection with the vaccination. The use of vaccination must be stopped immediately until a thorough investigation. We, doctors, allowed it all to happen, contrary to the foundation of medical ethics; first of all, do no harm. In honor of the people who were affected.” m.facebook.com/story.php?stor
Continue ReadingProf. Shmuel Shapira, Israel's highest-ranking medical scientist, who led Israel's effort to develop a coronavirus vaccine, has also called for the immediate halt of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.https://t.co/kNa1E8J7gA
— kanekoa.substack.com (@KanekoaTheGreat) March 22, 2023