by Tim Brown at Sons of Liberty Media
Dr. Anthony Levatino is a pro-life physician from New Mexico. After performing 1,200 murders of babies, which we call abortions, Dr. Levatino had a change of heart following his daughter’s death in an automobile accident and left his life of crime and has been calling out the barbaric nature of what takes place during an abortion procedure.
Take a listen to his testimony before Congress in 2016, in which he exposed the entire “right to choose” movement for what it is: murder.
Dr. Levatino also testified back in 2013 in which he stated the following:
Continue ReadingDR. ANTHONY LEVATINO: Chairman Franks and distinguished members of the subcommittee, my name is Anthony Levatino. I am a board-certified obstetrician gynecologist. I received my medical degree from Albany Medical College in Albany, NY in 1976 and completed my OB-GYN residency training at Albany Medical Center in 1980.
In my 33-year career, I have been privileged to practice obstetrics and gynecology in both private and university settings. From June 1993 until September 2000, I was associate professor of OB-GYN at the Albany Medical College serving at different times as both medical student director and residency program director. I have also dedicated many years to private practice and currently operate a solo gynecology practice in Las Cruces, NM. I appreciate your kind invitation to address issues related to the District of Columbia Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R.1797).
During my residency training and during my first five years of private practice, I performed both first and second trimester abortions. Duringmy residency in the late 1970s,second trimester abortions were typically performed using saline infusion or, occasionally, prostaglandin instillation techniques. These procedures were difficult, expensive and necessitated that patients go through labor to abort their pre-born children. By 1980, at the time I entered private practice first in Florida and then in upstate New York, those of us in the abortion industry were looking for a more efficient method of second trimester abortion.
The Suction D&E procedure