Editor’s note: Since we were out last week, we kept track of all of the Biden investigations, hearings and more detailed information. Below you will find more than 20 links to many of the key news stories that broke. Feel free to share this link with friends, family and colleagues. Being informed is key to a healthy society…
by Margot Cleveland at The Federalist
FBI agents told the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office they had already corroborated multiple details in the FD-1023, a source told The Federalist…
Sen Chuck Grassley released FBI Confidential Human Source Form – 1023
Delaware Prosecutor Accused of ‘Obstructing’ FBI Probe Into President’s Ties to Hunter Biden’s Shady Business Dealings Is a FRIEND of Joe’s White House Counsel — Who Emailed ‘Love you brother’ to First Son – A prosecutor on the Hunter Biden criminal probe worked closely with Joe Biden‘s former White House lawyer – then allegedly ‘obstructed’ FBI agents from investigating the President’s involvement. – Daily Mail
Biden Family and Associates Took Estimated $17 Million from Foreign Business Partners, IRS Whistleblower Testifies – The Biden family and its business associates took approximately $17 million from foreign business interests in Ukraine, China and Romania, IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler testified Wednesday.
Ziegler testified in front of the House Oversight Committee about the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Hunter Biden investigation and the Biden family’s alleged business dealings. – The Daily Caller
Tells You Everything You Need to Know’ – IRS Whistleblower Shapley Says Two Biden-Appointed U.S. Attorneys Blocked Hunter Charges – Zieger said David Weiss, the US Attorney from Delaware, was hamstrung and marginalized by DOJ officials.
“It appeared to me, based on what I experienced, that the U.S. Attorney in Delaware in our investigation was constantly hamstrung, limited, and marginalized by DOJ officials,” Ziegler said.
“The Justice Department allowed the president’s political appointees to weigh in on whether to charge the president’s son,” Shapley said referring to the US Attorneys in DC and California. – The Gateway Pundit
IRS Whistleblowers Confirm Joe Biden is the “Big Guy” – IRS whistleblowers Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley on Wednesday told Congress that they believe Joe Biden is the “Big Guy.”
During the House Oversight Committee hearing, Rep Andy Biggs said to the whistleblowers, “In the day of action you guys were intending to interview 12 people, one of whom was Rob Walker, a business associate of Hunter Biden and in particular, you wanted to talk about “10 held by H for the big guy.”
Biggs then turned to IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler and asked, “Who do you infer the big guy may be?”
Journalist Who Broke the Hunter Biden Laptop Story Goes Scorched Earth Against the FBI – Emma-Jo Morris was the first on the scene. She had the real October Surprise for the 2020 election: Hunter Biden’s laptop. While loaded with images of drug use and sexually explicit images from the exploits of the cracked-out son of Joe Biden, it was also a roadmap into the Biden Family’s allegedly illegal government access deal from which they were the beneficiaries of millions of dollars in bribes. This family set up multiple shell corporations run by Biden clan members to funnel the proceeds from the Romanian government. Right now, the meat and potatoes allegation stems from Hunter’s time in Ukraine, where Joe, then serving as vice president, forced the firing a prosecutor looking into Burisma in exchange for foreign aid. – Townhall
Two IRS whistleblowers, Gary Shapley, and Joseph Ziegler, testified before the House Oversight Committee on the government prosecutors’ preferential treatment of Hunter Biden.
Rather than charging Hunter Biden with felonies for evading taxes and providing false statements to the feds, Joe Biden’s corrupt DOJ gave him a sweetheart deal.
Hunter Biden was hit with two misdemeanors related to unpaid taxes from 2017 and 2018.
Jim Jordan Drops Bombshell LIVE on Fox – ‘Important Final Stage – The inquiry into the Biden family’s finances by the GOP is entering a “important final stage,” according to House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, as they look into more than $17 million in foreign funds the Biden family received. Additionally, they are investigating the Justice Department’s allegedly’special treatment’ of Hunter Biden in the continuing criminal investigation into the president’s son for tax and gun-related offenses. – The Republic Brief
New Details: It’s Looking Even Worse for the Bidens…and the FBI – On Friday, we analyzed a just-released FBI ‘FD-1023’ document, in which a trusted FBI informant asserted that executives from Burisma — the Ukrainian energy company that famously employed then-Vice President Joe Biden’s son, despite his dearth of relevant expertise, while the elder Biden was running point on Ukraine policy in the Obama administration — had described a multimillion-dollar bribery scheme that enriched both of the aforementioned Bidens. The Bureau’s confidential human source (CHS) told investigators that the Burisma leaders held a dim view of Hunter Biden’s personal value and intellect, but kept the generous payments flowing to him because Hunter would “take care of all of those issues through his dad.” The function of the younger Biden, the company’s CFO reportedly said, was “to protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems.” – Townhall
6 Ridiculous Narratives Democrats Tried in Response to IRS Whistleblowers’ Damning Biden Testimony – IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler’s testimony Wednesday before the House Oversight Committee about the political interference in the Biden investigation proved so unimpeachable that Democrats resorted to a shotgun attack on everything except the facts. Here are the top six themes the left hammered during the hearing. – The Federalist
IRS Whistleblower Says Weiss Allowed Statute of Limitations to Expire in Hunter Biden Case – Gary Shapley, a veteran agent with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), told House lawmakers Wednesday that the Justice Department slow-walked criminal proceedings into Hunter Biden to allow the statute of limitations to expire.
Shapley testified as one of two IRS whistleblowers on Capitol Hill alleging widespread interference in their criminal tax investigation of the Biden family. The second whistleblower revealed their identity at the Wednesday hearing as Joseph Ziegler, a gay Democrat with over a decade of tenure at the federal tax agency. Both served lead roles in the Biden investigation and said their efforts were hampered by officials at the Department of Justice (DOJ). – The Federalist
It’s Increasingly Clear the Feds Were Protecting Joe Biden, Not Hunter – Two veteran IRS agents with impeccable records have now testified under oath that federal officials not only slow-walked the Hunter Biden probe but nixed efforts to investigate Joe’s role in the family business. And though legacy media are conveniently apathetic about the developments, they seem somewhat newsworthy to me.
On Wednesday, we learned the identity of “Whistleblower X.” Joseph Ziegler, a self-proclaimed Democrat who worked at the agency since 2010, told the House Oversight Committee that he handled 95 percent of the evidence in the Hunter tax investigation. Ziegler testified that throughout the five-year investigation, he was “handcuffed,” “hamstrung,” “marginalized,” and ultimately stopped from moving forward in the manner he would for any other scofflaw. – The Federalist
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