by Paul Sperry New York Post
Within several days of The New York Post breaking its blockbuster 2020 story on Hunter Biden’s laptop, the FBI received a flash drive containing emails and text messages from the cellphones of one of Hunter’s business partners, confirming the contents of Hunter’s computer were real and not “disinformation,” as the FBI led social media and the public to believe.
On Oct. 23, 2020, forensic examiners from the FBI’s Computer Analysis and Response Team (CART) took into inventory the flash drive, which was loaded with the emails and texts from an iPhone and two Blackberry phones that Hunter’s former business associate Tony Bobulinski used to communicate with the president’s son about a lucrative joint venture with Chinese nationals.
The data on the flash drive covered the period from early 2015 through late 2017, according to the FBI report, known as an FD-302, which summarized the interview with Bobulinski.
“BOBULINSKI was aware that the emails published by the New York Post were legitimate because BOBULINSKI was copied on them and had records of the emails on his own cellular devices,” the interviewing agents wrote in their 13-page report…
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