by Kyle Becker at Becker News
Dr. Jessica Rose, whose medical research on Covid vaccination risks for young children has been censored, gave a heated response on Tuesday after an FDA panel’s decision to approve vaccines for children as young as 5 years old.
Dr. Rose’s response followed the Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VBRPAC) meeting, which voted 17-0 to approve the vaccines for children 5-11 with one abstension. The FDA does not need to follow the guidance, but is fully expected to follow the advice of the panel.
Dr. Rose’s outstanding rebuttal followed the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practicioners’ endorsement of the vaccines for children. It can be watched in full below.
“Emergency use authorization of biological agents requires the existence of an emergency, and the non-existence of alternate treatments,” Dr. Rose said. “There is no emergency and Covid-19 is exceedingly treatable.”
Dr. Rose then made pains to point out that 19 times the expected myocarditis events in children are being reported to VAERS following Covid-19 vaccination. She also criticized the targeted censorship of academic journal reporting that highlights the inordinate myocardities and pericarditis events in this age cohort.
Jessica Rose, PhD just had her paper on VAERS analysis of myocarditis rejected after two rounds of review at “Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine.” NO REASON GIVEN. This is scientific misconduct at its finest by the peer reviewers (not the Journal). Jessica is first-rate.
— Steve Kirsch (@stkirsch) September 16, 2021
“Jessica Rose, PhD just had her paper on VAERS analysis of myocarditis rejected after two rounds of review at ‘Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine,” philanthropist Steve Kirsch, founder of COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF), noted. “NO REASON GIVEN. This is scientific misconduct at its finest by the peer reviewers (not the Journal). Jessica is first-rate.”
“You cannot get any paper published that is anti-vaccine nowadays,” he added. “Academics will ONLY believe what is peer reviewed. So the vaccines are safe because there are no papers saying it isn’t, even though the data shows it isn’t. BUT NOBODY LOOKS AT THE DATA anymore.”
Dr. Jessica Rose has been a vocal critic of ignoring the risks of mass Covid vaccination. An interview with Aga Wilson of News Voice gave a fuller presentation of Dr. Rose’s views.
“Dr. Jessica Rose, who is normally positive about vaccines, says that VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), the US database for vaccine injuries, has only managed to collect an estimated 1% of the total number of serious side effects from mRNA injections,’ NewsVoice reported. “VAERS is, unfortunately, a weak system when it comes to how side effect data is handled, says Rose. She, therefore, divided adverse reactions and side effects into several categories such as neurology, immunology, reproductive organs, and cardiovascular. In this way, she has created a warning system where it should be easier to see if and in that case how side effects can be linked to the mRNA vaccines.”
“Rose says that the so-called ‘covid vaccines’ are not actual vaccines but rather injections of genetic material,” the report added. “Several studies have been published, despite attempts to censor these, which show that the spike proteins themselves are very toxic to the body. These spike proteins are foreign proteins.”
“The fact that millions of people have been injected with these so-called ‘mRNA vaccines’ is to be considered a crime against humanity, Dr. Jessica Rose believes.”
Dr. Rose also gave a lengthy discussion of the reported side effects of Covid-19 vaccines where informed citizens can review the data.
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