by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
It’s likely the most important interview this Sunday, ergo Fox News -in an effort to support the overall agenda- doesn’t put it on any of their replay media. The scheme against our republic is so tentacled there are no corporate media out of alignment. The anti-Trump/anti-MAGA effort doesn’t just stem from ideological communists and leftists, the republican apparatus is 100% part of the enterprise. Don’t fool yourself, we have yet to see the full scope of the enemy.
If you think masks dropped in the past 6 years, we are only about 60% of the way there…. Many more masks will be dropping and some of them are likely to stun people. Decades of entrenched Machiavellian club manipulation, and years of coat tailing the base by left-wing republicans, has yet to surface. Remember, two-thirds of the iceberg are hidden under water. [Direct Rumble Link Here]
In this interview Devin Nunes lays out the history of DOJ and FBI corruption under Obama, the originator of the modern Fourth Branch of Government. Nunes accurately points out the continuum of the DOJ/FBI corruption, but missed one element, the formation of the DOJ-National Security Division. That’s where it all starts.
From Eric Holder and Robert Mueller’s, Fast n Furious gun running operation (08/’09); to the DOJ use of the IRS for targeting (Lois Lerner, Eric Holder ’10, ’11); to the 19 days it took the FBI to reach Benghazi (’12); to the DOJ/FBI using NSA databases for surveillance (2012-2016); to the Crossfire Hurricane operation (Yates/Lynch ’16); to Robert Mueller resurfacing (’17, ’18, ’19); to the DOJ targeting Trump now (’20, ’21, ’22); it has all been one long continuum since the DOJ-NSD was formed.
Kash Patel then overlays the people who use the weaponized DOJ-NSD to create the “ongoing investigation” document blocks. Including, John Carlin, Mary McCord, Lisa Monaco (DOJ-NSD); as well as Jake Sullivan and Susan Rice (White House). Again, same names in Obama administration, exit then return with Biden administration; it’s the same continuum.
This was the reason for writing the four-part series outlining the network:
♦Part One outlines the background of the modern Deep State, and the formation of the DOJ-NSD {Go Deep}.
♦In Part Two you see the specifics of how President Trump was targeted by political operatives using the DOJ-NSD {Go Deep}.
♦In Part Three you see how and why President Trump was blocked from releasing documents against the DOJ-NSD {Go Deep}.
♦And in Part Four, we outlined exactly what those specifics documents are that likely existed in Mar-a-Lago. {Go Deep}
Everything I research, write and share is free for the taking.
Download it into a pdf form, modify the internal citations as footnotes, proofread, add, subtract, modify it, change the language, simplify it, do whatever you want to make it your own in whatever format suits your needs. No attribution or citation is needed.
This is a battle to save our nation from a corrupt enterprise. I put no parameters on any tool or intellectual weapon you may find of benefit. That just isn’t me. Those who have been around a while know where I stand…. which is right next to anyone who is in the fight. Getting the message out is the urgent and important part; how it arrives, is of no issue for me.
We are not on a last hill; we are far beyond that. We are on the precipice.
It would be against every intent of the Treehouse for me to put limits on any information that might help.
Love to all and abundant appreciation for most,
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