by John Dale Dunn, M.D. at American Thinker
Conservatives do not doubt that Derek Chauvin was railroaded, a sacrifice at the BLM altar. However, his martyrdom—which almost ended with his death in prison—may finally end. Chauvin has appealed the judgment against him, and, in an excellent turn of events, he’s just been granted an order by Federal Judge Magnuson to be given blood for testing and heart tissue for examination from George Floyd’s autopsy. The blood tests and tissue examinations may help establish Floyd’s actual cause of death. But of course, the appeal is about much more than a single piece of evidence.
As a reminder of the events surrounding George Floyd’s death and the abuse prosecution that followed, Alpha News, a conservative internet news agency in deep blue Minneapolis, created two excellent films to show the basis for their condemnation, The Fall of Minneapolis and Minnesota v We the People.
I’ve written frequently about the fact that both the medical examiner and the prosecutor were wrong in their contentions about George Floyd’s cause of death. (See, e.g., here and here.) I have even done a video demonstration to show that there is no way that Chauvin’s way of restraining Floyd could have killed him and gone on the record stating that Chauvin is innocent of wrongdoing.
Based on my medical experience,…
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