by Carl Campanile, Joe Marino, Amanda Woods, Craig McCarthy and Kate Sheehy at New York Post
Columbia University got blasted from all sides Tuesday for refusing to call in police to roust the anti-Israel mob that illegally took over a campus building.
Hours after scores of violent protesters stormed and began occupying historic Hamilton Hall — using a hammer to break through a window and roughing up a student who tried to stop the anarchy — do-nothing officials at the Ivy League institution still had yet to ask the NYPD to address the mayhem.
Instead, the school only said in a statement Tuesday afternoon that it would be suspending the rioters and potentially expelling at least some of them for “vandalizing property, breaking doors and windows, and blockading entrances.’’

Protesting students storm and occupy Hamilton Hall at Columbia University early Tuesday.AP
“It’s time we put it to an end,’’ former NYPD lieutenant and current state Assemblyman Mike Reilly (R-Staten Island) raged to The Post, referring to the out-of-control hooligans.
“I think it’s long past time that the governor and the mayor take the bull by the horns and treat those who destroy property, those who want to block students who want to go to classes, with the consequences they deserve,” Reilly said.
“Those damaging property and preventing others from accessing areas need to be arrested.”…
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