by Greg Piper at Just the News
The earliest demographics to get COVID-19 vaccines, such as healthcare workers, reported a surprisingly high rate of serious complications from them, according to data the CDC turned over under court order.
Among the 10 million-plus users of the agency’s v-safe active monitoring smartphone app through July — 8.5 million of whom signed up between December 2020 and April 2021, before all adults were eligible for COVID vaccines — nearly 8% said they required medical care after receiving the vaccines.
For patients ages 3 and older needing such care, nearly 3 in 4 couldn’t rely on telehealth visits. They required urgent care (48%), emergency room (15%) or hospitalization (10%). For infants, who were authorized to receive the jabs this summer and are enrolled in v-safe through parents or guardians, hospitalizations were much lower (2%) but urgent care much higher (66%).
Another 12% of v-safe users reported they were unable to perform normal daily activities, and 13% said they missed work or school, meaning 1 in 3 had more than mild adverse reactions.
Well over 10 million symptom reports were filed each month from January through April 2021, dropping to 5 million in May and hovering around 1 million for the next few months. The reports jumped above 2 million again in October following President Biden’s vaccine mandates for roughly 100 million workers, and dropped to the low- to mid-hundred thousands from January through July 2022.
The v-safe data obtained thus far are posted by the Informed Consent Action Network as both interactive graphs and several gigabytes of files. It got them through ongoing Freedom of Information Act litigation against the CDC.
Those are just the data the CDC affirmatively sought through…
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