by Kyle Becker at Becker News
The Centers for Disease Control has finally admitted that natural immunity from prior infection exists. But it’s even worse than that for the Covid narrative: The CDC admits that natural immunity from prior infections is superior to vaccinated immunity alone.
The CDC broke its silence on natural immunity on Wednesday. It released a study called “COVID-19 Cases and Hospitalizations by COVID-19 Vaccination Status and Previous COVID-19 Diagnosis — California and New York, May–November 2021.” The findings were reported by Agence France-Presse.
“During America’s last surge of the coronavirus driven by the Delta variant, people who were unvaccinated but survived Covid were better protected than those who were vaccinated and not previously infected,” AFP noted about the new study.
“The finding is the latest to weigh in on a debate on the relative strengths of natural versus vaccine-acquired immunity against SARS-CoV-2, but comes this time with the imprimatur of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),” AFP added.
The study itself is heavily parsed and argues that vaccination is still the best strategy to prevent Covid hospitalizations and deaths. That may be true — but only for people who don’t have natural immunity from prior infections…
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