by Margaret Menge at The Epoch Times
A pediatric cardiologist says that it’s now clear from all of the available evidence that the spike proteins the COVID-19 vaccines tell the body to make are toxic to the heart, and that myocarditis in young people is not as rare as the CDC and FDA have led Americans to believe.
In a lecture on Aug. 26, Dr. Kirk Milhoan said the harm to the heart caused by the spike proteins is an “inconvenient truth.”
“We know that the spike protein is cardio-toxic. [It’s] very clear that it is cardio-toxic,” he said.
Milhoan, a board-certified pediatric cardiologist, based his conclusion on data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and several recently published studies on myocarditis. He believes that myocarditis caused by the COVID-19 vaccines is not as rare as the government has led Americans to believe.
“We’re seeing something that we haven’t seen before,” he said on Aug. 26 at the Gateway to Freedom Conference in Collinsville, Ill. “We haven’t seen a vaccine cause this level of myocarditis. It’s not one here or one there. It is a large number of people getting myocarditis from this vaccine.”
Myocarditis, defined as inflammation of the heart muscle…
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