by Alex Berenson at Unreported Truths
As Covid cases, hospitalizations, and now deaths soar in Israel even though over 90 percent of older adults are fully vaccinated, the country is aggressively pushing a third shot.
Hundreds of thousands of older Israelis have already received it.
And other countries are preparing to follow.
Now the inevitable is happening. The third shot is beginning to fail.
The desperate move for a third shot is the latest and maybe most desperate manifestation of the panic around the vaccine failure that health authorities still will not openly admit is happening.
And it is profoundly anti-science.
These mRNA vaccines are not Pepto-Bismol. They have profound biological effects. They are encapsulated in fat particles whose long-term effects are unknown. They spread throughout the body (despite the early promise they would not). They hijack cellular machinery in exactly the same way an actual virus does.
They are no joke.
And – as rushed and flawed as their development was last year – at least regulators forced Pfizer and Moderna to test them in large clinical trials, with a total of more than 70,000 people.
The trials had two main goals: to make sure they didn’t have massive, immediate side effects (safety) and that they actually worked against the virus (efficacy).
In fact, the trials showed the vaccines did have a nasty short-term side effect profile – and that it worsened after the second dose. And despite their size, the trials failed to catch severe side effects for both the mRNA vaccines (which – at the least – cause heart inflammation in some young people) and the Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca vaccines, which cause a rare but particularly nasty form of blood clotting.
Still, most side effects appeared to fade after a few days. The trials also showed that at peak protection after the second dose, the mRNA vaccines reduced infections by 95 percent.
Thus their almost immediate authorization.
But now we know better.
The real-world data – from Israel…
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