by Kelly Sadler at The Washington Times
President Biden’s State Department continues to provide our international adversaries excellent material to use in propaganda against the U.S.
A leaked State Department memo, obtained and published by Human Events, outlines how all U.S. diplomatic and consular posts are being encouraged to display support for Black Lives Matter today – the anniversary of George Floyd’s death – and in the future.
“The Department supports the use of the term ‘Black Lives Matter’ in messaging content, speeches, and other diplomatic engagements with foreign audiences to advance racial equity and access to justice on May 25 and beyond,” the memo reads. “We encourage posts to focus on the need to eliminate systemic racism and its continued impact.”
It encourages consulates to display the BLM flag or banner at U.S. facilities, giving them a “blanket written authorization for calendar year 2021 from the Under Secretary for Management to display the BLM flag on the external-facing flagpole to any Chiefs of Mission who determine such a display is appropriate in light of local conditions.”
Instead of focusing on policies and engaging in diplomatic relationships that defend the U.S. from menacing foreign threats and promote democratic values, Biden’s State Department is a bunch of woke social-justice warriors, hanging the flag of an organization founded by a proud Marxist.
The State Department’s unequivocal support for BLM is directly telling our adversaries how awful we are as a nation, and how we must improve – instead of promoting our superiority around the globe. It’s anti-American and worse than former President Barack Obama’s international apology tour.
Meanwhile, China and Russia are having a ball.
China has already used Biden’s “systemic racism” and “racial strife” talking points against the U.S.
Last year, when former State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus criticized China…
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