by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
Earlier today Joe Biden threatened U.S. troop engagement with Russian troops if congress doesn’t provide further funding for Ukraine. As the premise is pushed, a failure to fund the Ukraine war means Russia will move beyond Ukraine into a NATO country. The premise is nonsense.
White House – […] “Congress needs to pass supplemental funding for Ukraine before they break for the holiday recess. It’s as simple as that.
Frankly, I think it’s stunning that we’ve gotten to this point in the first place. While Congress — the Republicans in Congress is — are willing to give Putin the greatest gift he could hope for and abandon our global leadership not just to Ukraine, but beyond that.
[…] “I just did a meeting with the G7, which was one of the issues we discussed — all of the European leaders. We are prepared to stay with us — stay with Ukraine, and our European friends are as well.
Who in the United States are prepared to walk away from that? I tell you, I’m not prepared to walk away, and I don’t think the American people are either.
If Putin takes Ukraine, he won’t stop there. It’s important to see the long run here. He’s going to keep going. He’s made that pretty clear…
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