by Kyle Becker at Becker News
The Biden administration has quietly authorized damages to be settled with coerced vaccine takers if they suffer serious side effects under the still-unissued federal vaccine mandate. The clause was buried deep in documents in a Division of Federal Employees’ Compensation bulletin issued earlier in October.
“On September 9, 2021, President Biden issued an executive order mandating COVID-19 vaccination for most Federal employees,” the document states, although the pertinent OSHA regulation has still not been formally issued. “The order directed each agency to implement a program to require COVID-19 vaccination for all of its employees, with exceptions only as required by law.”
“The Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) covers injuries that occur in the performance of duty,” the bulletin goes on. “The FECA does not generally authorize provision of preventive measures such as vaccines and inoculations, and in general, preventive treatment is a responsibility of the employing agency under the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 7901. However, care can be authorized by OWCP for complications of preventive measures which are provided or sponsored by the agency, such as adverse reaction to prophylactic immunization.”
“Further, deleterious effects of medical services furnished by the employing establishment are generally considered to fall within the performance of duty,” the FECA announcement continues. “These services include preventive programs relating to health.”
“However, this executive order now makes COVID-19 vaccination a requirement of most Federal employment,” the FECA bulletin claims. “As such, employees impacted by this mandate who receive required COVID-19 vaccinations on or after the date of the executive order may be afforded coverage under the FECA for any adverse reactions to the vaccine itself, and for any injuries sustained while obtaining the vaccination.”
While civilians who voluntarily take the vaccines appear to have no substantive civil recourse, those who take it due to the announced but still-unissued federal vaccine mandate appear to have special privileges that the rest of America does not. The FECA bulletin then highlighted the following actions to be taken:…
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